How to Prepare for Your Boudoir Session

You’ve booked your boudoir session, you’ve had your consultation, now what? Your shoot is right around the corner and you may be feeling the pressure.

Whether this is your first time or your fifth, being a little bit nervous is normal. With your session coming up, it’s normal to be unsure of what to do. I’ve put together a list of things to prep for your session. This will ensure that you don’t miss or forget anything. I want you to feel more than prepared on the morning of your session!

how to prepare for your boudoir session

How to Prepare for Your Boudoir Session

Drink Water & Eat As Normal

Sometimes, when we get nervous we forget to do some of the essentials - like eating and drinking water. Drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your session is not only what our body loves and needs, but it helps keep your skin moisturized. You can always use lotion to moisturize but what our skin really craves is water. It helps with digestion and bloating (which is always good when you are in front of the camera) and even helps keep your skin complexion looking it’s best.

Eating the week of your session is even more important! Sometimes, we may think that eating less will help us look thinner but it does a lot of damage to our bodies. It can make your body hold on to EVERYTHING making us feel heavier and bloated. It can also make us look tired and leave our skin looking dull. Be sure to keep eating the week of your session as normal as possible when it comes to eating and drinking. If you are worried about looking thin, just be sure to eat healthy meals and drink enough water!

Skip The Fake Tan

I always recommend skipping the spray tan before your session. The camera picks up the color differently than our eyes do, making your skin appear orange or yellow. Those colors are very hard to edit out so your best bet is to skip the spray tan altogether. If you are worried about looking tan in your images, do not worry! I always add a natural tan and glow to your skin during the editing process!

Hair And Makeup

I recommend getting hair and makeup professionally done for shoots as stylists know what will and won’t work in front of the camera. Oh, and don’t forget about adding false lashes. They are a must for boudoir!

If you are comfortable with doing your hair and makeup yourself, that is totally fine and can save you a little bit of money. Just keep in mind that the camera eats up some of the makeup so you will have to go a little heavier than normal on your makeup. You can always look at local salons or blow dry bars to get your hair and makeup done there as well!

Hair, Nails, & Waxing

Don’t forget about your hair and nails! It’s the perfect reason to pamper yourself a little bit and get that trim you have been putting off, and of course, a manicure and pedicure! Nails are one thing that a lot of clients tend to forget about because they are usually worried about everything else.

If you are thinking about booking a wax appointment, the best time frame is at least 3 days before your session. Sometimes, your skin can be a little irritated after waxing so giving it a few days to soothe itself is always a good idea.

Pack Up & Prep

A few days before your session, pack up everything that you think you will need. From your shoes to your lingerie pieces to your jewelry, you don’t want to forget about anything. Make a list of everything that you will need and double-check that you have everything with you. Having the checklist will help you keep your morning of the session as stress-free as possible. If you feel like you are overpacking, that’s okay! Having options is better than forgetting something or not liking one of your pieces. We will go over all of your options before your session starts.

Be sure to prep your schedule on the day of your session! Leave some buffer time before and after your shoot so you can really enjoy your time. You don’t want to have to stress about getting to another appointment the day of!

Prepping for a session can be overwhelming if left to the last minute, but I promise I will be there every step of the way and make it fun! Boudoir is meant to be a joyous and exhilarating experience so I don’t want any part of it to be stressful for you. If you’ve been thinking about booking your own boudoir session and you’ve finally decided it’s time, reach out today!


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